Setting the Stage for Salem’s Community Enrichment

MARCH 31, 2023

On March 31st, Salem NH’s Field of Dreams Park and Playground held their longly awaited ground breaking ceremony for their new performance pavilion.

More than eight years in the making, this project marked the teamwork of local businesses, design professionals, skilled tradesmen, and generous community members who all worked together to provide the town with a structure that signifies community spirit.

In 2015, RWH was approached by Field of Dreams Vice President, Pat Good, about building a roof on their stage. The park’s annual Summer Concert Series has a 30%-50% cancellation rate due to inclement weather, as there is no protection for the concert performers and equipment.

Within minutes of viewing the stage, RWH determined, that not only can it not support a roof, but the stage is also unsafe due to its age and condition.

Much of the community is unaware that the Field of Dreams is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization entirely supported and maintained by volunteers and sponsors. The Park does not receive any financial assistance from the Town of Salem.

The Summer Concert Series brings in the majority of revenue for the park, so if the stage is failing, the future of the park is in jeopardy. After meeting Pat and learning of the immediate need to find a solution to their deteriorating (at that time 23-year-old) stage, RWH quickly joined the park’s Board.

With the Board now focused on a new stage, this kickstarted the New Performance Pavillon campaign and aggressive fundraising commenced. Many years of donations from Salem T-Bones Restaurant and an ongoing partnership with Chaser’s Poker Room have helped tremendously with advancing the project.

Field of Dreams’ annual Family Fun Day also originated from the park’s need for a major outreach and fundraising event. The success of the first Family Fun Day in 2017 has since launched an annual town event that is now in its 6th successful year.

In 2022, the campaign met its fundraising goal and sent out an official RFP for construction services with Build-It Construction winning the bid.

March 2023’s highly anticipated ground breaking ceremony was attended by employees of the Town of Salem, Salem Police, Salem Fire, The Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce, The Greater Salem Contractors Association, The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem, many local businesses, various media outlets, and countless excited residents. Even Gerry Monty the Squirrel, the park’s mascot, made his first park appearance at the park this season!

A generous breakfast donation was sponsored by Cross Country Mortgage.

Salem CTE was recognized for providing RWH Salem High School Senior, Connor LaFleur who started as an intern in September 2022 and was later hired as an employee. LaFleur produced compelling renderings for the ceremony in just one workday!

Design services were also donated by SFC Engineering Partnership and Keith Bouchard of Bouchard Engineering.

In addition to the Build-It Construction team, the site work will be performed by Merrill Excavating; electrical services will be provided by Board Member Chandler Electric; and roofing will be provided by Board Member Innovative Roofing NH.

The goal of the pavilion design is to provide a contemporary facility that would aesthetically fit within the naturally wooded site and, as much as possible, be resistant to potential vandalism. 

The pavilion will be fully handicap accessible, an important feature the existing stage is lacking.  The proposed design includes a roof element to protect equipment and performers in the case of threatening weather conditions. 

The floor of the stage will be hardened concrete with the piers and rear walls covered with real granite stone. The primary supports will be steel tubes. The roof will be curved wood “glu-lam” beams with a curved wood plank roof deck. The roofing material will be standing seam metal, providing a low-maintenance solution for many years to come.

Construction of Salem’s soon-to-be new landmark will be complete by mid-August 2023.